23 Feb 2017

Eurolambretta 2017

This year’s Eurolambretta Jamboree was held to mark the 70th anniversary of the Lambretta motor scooter!

Venue:  Adria International Raceway

The gathering of scooters at the Adria International Raceway




A fitting monument on a roundabout outside the Innocenti factory Milan


The kind locals even offered to wash the visitors scooters after their long journey!


The main gates at the Innocenti factory



El Presidente and Lee fixing a LSC badge to the factory gates.




Cheers! LSC











A few of the lads called in at the Celtic Rally at Plestin-les-Greves Brittany on their way back home, so winning the ‘furthest travelled’ award!




Thank you to everyone who contributed to this page,   so bring on next year!