16 Oct 2024

Tenby Rally – May Day Bank Holiday 2024

Excited was an understatement. I’ve been going to Tenby since I was 13yrs old when my older sister moved there for a job and got married rather quickly (no prizes for guessing why) and I was immediately launched on the National Express for the summer hols!.

I dont like Tenby, I absolutely adore it. Only issue is the distance!.
This didnt phase our group for a national rally, in fact it spurred us on, possibly naively as the destination is hard miles, circa 180m. Nevertheless we didnt waver. Andy McMahon Karl Nixon Dave Thomas Neil Quirk and myself set off from Birkenhead McDonalds 9.30am Fri 3rd May.


Weather forecast wasnt favourable, it was possible after Bala we would follow the storm to Tenby. This we could do however the storm had different ideas… it waited for us and didnt let us out of its grip for 105 miles… this is no exaggeration.

We persevered, we are scooterists after all! turning back was never an option. By Aberystwyth we had soaked up more rain than Bala Lake. We took in a break at the National Library of Wales for food and drying.  The cafe was very warm , big fat old skool rads everywhere. Our coats, over troos and gonads were draped over the rads much to the amusement of Gwynnth Pugh and the local WI.

Getting back on the scoots was a massive challenge as everything was so wet we struggled to re-dress so our attempts at drying out were wasted. Hey ho on we go!

The following 45 miles was just a repeat of the first 60 wet miles. Only the last 15 miles did we have no rain and slightly less damp roads.  My phone had died as the new intercom headsets ate my battery back in Cardigan so retrieving the code for the guest house keysafe was a none starter. Scrambling around the harbour for a power socket eventually paid off. I retrieved the code at the exact time the landlady returned!!!

An hour later we all had our dry clothes on with wet clobber drip drying on or near the apartments radiators. Using them again on the Saturday for the mass rideout was touch and go.

Our group was joined by Roger Taylor from Spain who was a great bloke and great company.

What was apparent, the weather gods musta clashed with the Scooter gods and lost as the sun was beaming all day Saturday.  I chose to wear a tee on the rideout it was so warm.  Great roads, some very long and straight (yes now!)


The 3 night time music/booze venues didnt disappoint on the Fri & Saturday night. Great to see so many other Liverpool Scooter Club members across Tenby (Mac Quack Philip Hayes Sylvia, David Morris Debbie Bond Morris to name a few). Unfortunately for the Saturday evening we had a man down due to illness.

School boy error leaving the keys inside the apartment, meant we couldn’t get back in at 0210 as ‘man down’ was asleep and phone charging in another room.  Only option left was to wake the landlady – wow did we get a roasting the next day!

We departed a day earlier due to ‘sick note’ condition not improving. Those willing to stay decided to ride together back home to support each other.

A minor rear hub issue on my PX brought its concerns despite it being torqed up the Fri am.  Like a Fairy Modfather a random bloke appeared asking if we’d like the use of his socket and torque wrench! Whats the chances in the middle of the Welsh countryside.
Tom, the young biker bloke from Clynderwen community, we as two wheel riders salute you!


The ride home was a million times better than going to Tenby so our faith in the longer runs totally restored.

I was particularly impressed with my unfettled PX125 ability to take in the 360 miles many at maximum speeds (a massive 53mph) and come out the other side with only a broken butty box hinge.

Ian Morgan LSC 2024