23 Apr 2024

Lynn Mifflin’s 1980’s photos

Lynn Mifflin has kindly sent in some excellent quality photographs that really capture the 1980’s scooter scene. Lynn was an art student during the late 1970’s and she always carried her camera to as many scootering events as possible, so managing to take these amazing 1980’s shots!

Lynn continues:

It was pre Avengers SC days. We were just a group of friends that got into the Mod revival back in 1979.  I was at Hugh Baird College in Bootle and got to know a few other mods !  (The Avengers SC was formed couple of years later.)

These 80’s colour photos were all taken by myself using a Pentax K1000 35mm camera, that my mum bought for me to use on my college course.

I used to take my Pentax camera on every scooter rally.  I’d buy a film for it rather than getting a Paddy Smith patch!  Money was tight back in the early 80’s in Liverpool, as you all probably remember!  God knows how we ever afforded to buy and do up our scooters!  Rallies were done on a tight budget too,  Sometimes just enough money for petrol! I do hope that these photos bring back some fond memories of the time and maybe you will recognise some old faces!    – Lynn Mifflin 2017



Photos of some of the young Merseyside scooterists of the period.  I am still in contact to this day with most the kids in these shots!






is that Mike Murray? (far left)






Some Black & white images of Graham Thurston, Steve Pilson and Bernie Armitage taken in Litherland learly 80’s

Sadly, Steve Pilson passed away recently.




Liverpool Scooter Club would like to thank Lynn for uploading these incredible photos that really capture the 1980’s scooter scene, which must bring back happy memories of the period for us all.